Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Australian rock singer joins our Stanley Hotel investigation

During last night's paranormal investigation of the Stanley Hotel, Callea the hotel's on-site paranormal investigator received a call asking if I was okay with a 'famous person' joining us on the investigation. I told her I had no problem with it, as I curiously wondered who it could be.
We were soon joined by Australian rock singer, musician, actor and writer Jon English and wife Coralea. They were staying in room 217 of the Stanley Hotel, the room where many rich and famous people stay.

Jon and Coralea joined Callea, myself, Dave, and Dawn as we performed recordings and micro-box research in Lucy's room, located in the lower level of the concert hall.

You'll see and hear more about our group investigation when I post the files, videos, and pictures on my websites. Stay tuned.

Thank you, Stanley Hotel and Callea Seck

I just wanted to again say, "Thank you" to The Stanley Hotel and Callea Seck. I just completed an investigation at the Stanley Hotel, and Callea who is their on-site paranormal investigator took me places and helped smooth out any rough edges by allowing me access to a number of locations not everyone is allowed to wander.

The Stanley Hotel allowed me to stay in room 401, as a comp, and fully supported my paranormal research, allowing me to field-test some on my devices which have never been tested anywhere else.

I investigated the Stanley Hotel room 401, the 4th floor hallways, the concert hall lower level (Lucy's room), a portion of the concert hall lower level tunnel, the concert hall upper level, and the billiards room.

Callea and I, along with two couples spent Tuesday evening and early Wednesday morning investigating, recording, and sharing stories about things that go on at the Stanley Hotel, as well as a number of other subjects.

I'll soon be reviewing the many hours of files, videos, and pictures captured during our investigations, and will be posting the files, videos and pictures on my websites. and
Stay tuned...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Residual Hauntings Investigation at the Stanley Hotel would like to proudly announce, the Stanley Hotel will be the location where , for the first time ever, Mike Coletta (aka UFO Geek) will field test a number of unique paranormal devices.
The Stanley has offered access to one of the more 'active' rooms and other locations around the hotel in order to carry out paranormal research projects.
Since the Stanley Hotel is known for paranormal activity, the hope is to use a number of the paranormal devices to search for signs of residual haunting and other related energies.